Finding and Ripping Template Monsters  

Posted by pranav
August 05,

Tools Needed:
-Browser with Google opened
-Black Widow Program v5.21 or Newer | Link:
-Winrar (If you want to release them to others afterwards)

The process:
1. Open your browser up to

2. Paste one of the following lines into the search bar. Then hit enter.

  • -inurl:htm -inurl:html -inurl:asp intitle:"index of" +(*-b.jpg) +screenshots
  • -inurl:htm -inurl:html -inurl:asp intitle:"index of" +(psd) +sources
  • -inurl:htm -inurl:html -inurl:asp intitle:"index of" +(psd) +source
  • -inurl:htm -inurl:html -inurl:asp intitle:"index of" +(psd) +With_fl
  • -inurl:htm -inurl:html -inurl:asp intitle:"index of" +(psd) +site_flash
  • -inurl:htm -inurl:html -inurl:asp intitle:"index of" +(psd) +b.jpg

3. Now you will see a bunch of index's returned. This means the people were dumb and uploaded their whole Template, PSD's and all and didn't even have an index.html or index.php. Not everything returned is going to be a Template Monster Template. About 2/3 of them will be either garbage and not work, or some other random templates they made for their site. However you can easily tell the difference by the Google Description. If there is a 4-5 digit number like my example picture below (5622), then its probably a Template Monster.

4. Hit Parent Directory until you see folders like: "Sources, PSD, Screenshots, ClipArt, Flash, or Fonts. This is usually the main directory for that Template Monster. Copy and paste the URL from your browser into the BlackWidow Program. Once you paste it in there, hit enter and the site will load in the BlackWidow using IE. Now Click on the Structure Tab and Hit Scan at the top. Scanning should take 2-3min. If it takes any longer, its probably done and you can just hit stop and stop it manually.

5. Once its done scanning, Go back to the structure tab, and it has the whole site laid out. Now just highlight the folder right under the http:// folder on the left side and hit the download button.

6. A download menu will now come open. Download it to a any folder. However make sure your check boxes on the right are the same as mine below.

7. For some reason BlackWidow Downloads some useless junk files. You can easily delete them. All the files pictured below are garbage and can be done away with. Its probably best to keep all other files unless you know what your doing.

8. Now just rename the folder it made from the url to the TM # and zip or rar it up using Winrar. Piece of Cake!

This entry was posted on Tuesday, August 05, 2008 and is filed under . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) .


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woh!!!Really you have implimated here your most creativity idea.Thanks for this nice info.I wait for your feed back.

Since long time i wait for your feedback.Such an creativity idea shows in this Monster Template.thanks for your great info.

well my searching is over here. finally i get it here.really such a good one template as good work in it also. thanks for such kind of beautiful work and expect more..