GPSJ V2.65 [Java]  

Posted by pranav

GPS/J is a console for Bluetooth-enabled GPS receivers, a mobile navigation tool for cellular phone owners. It is a J2ME (Java Micro Edition®) application for JSR82-compliant devices.

Three customizable information screens presenting the following information:

- Current speed
- Geographic position in various formats
- Elevation
- Heading
- Compass
- Pointer and distance to chosen point
- Number of satellites received
- Compass indicates:
- The direction user is moving in
- Distance and azimuth to the selected point


- Location of 20000 towns&cities in Europe
- The rest of the world downloadable
- Displaying current position and track, user defined waypoints and saved tracks
- Zooming
- Scrolling

Saved tracks and waypoints export (not available for some Nokia S40 - JSR75 required) in the following formats:

CSV - Microsoft Excel®
KML - Google Earth®
GPX - GPS Exchange

Saved tracks and waypoints import (not available for some Nokia S40 - JSR75 required) in the CSV format.

Raster maps with zooming.



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